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Chelsea Gem Sport

Chelsea Gem Sport

Regular price €7,95 EUR
Regular price Sale price €7,95 EUR
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The description and cultivation information will be available soon. Keep following us for all the details!


Le foglie decorative hanno variegature interne color verde acido. I fiori sono semidoppi e di un raffinato rosa ghiaccio. Con la loro presenza sofisticata creano un contrasto affascinante con le foglie.

Non perdere l'occasione di aggiungere il Pelargonium 'Chelsea Gem Sport' alla tua collezione. Questa varietà unica, nata nel vivaio di Gabriele Cantaluppi, trasformerà il tuo giardino in un luogo di bellezza straordinaria e innovazione botanica.


  • Periodo fioritura: III-XI (Mar-Nov)
  • Esposizione: preferisce la mezz'ombra e il sole
  • Terreno: terriccio ricco di sostanza organica e ben drenato
  • Altezza alla consegna: 20-30 cm
  • Altezza massima: 40-50 cm


The plants you will receive have been carefully pruned at least once, ensuring robust and well-branched plants with several growth points. Please note that these are not just rooted cuttings but young adult plants, ready to be potted into a larger pot. In many cases, you might receive plants that are already in bloom or about to bloom.

Plant images are for inspiration, showing you how they will grow over time.

Remember that we have a limited number of specimens.

Standard Pelargoniums are supplied in pots with a diameter of 12 cm. Miniature Pelargoniums, some botanical species, and rare varieties are supplied in pots with a diameter of 10 cm.

  • Shipping to Italy in 24/48 hours
  • Shipping to Europe in 3-5 days
  • Safe, recycled, and recyclable packaging

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